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Cobra Jet Steering gladly accepts orders from dealers, including boat repair or service facilities.  We offer special dealer pricing.  

To learn more about options and pricing for dealers, please complete the questionnaire below and we will contact you to discuss the various options available to you.  Remember selling and installing the BEST steering for your customer's boat, one that works as advertised without annoying side-effects or failures, one that works at all speeds to improve the boat's versatility and does it with the WOW effect makes a customer for life.  COBRA JET STEERING puts them in CONTROL and puts a SMILE on their face.  That makes YOU the HERO!  Make yourself a HERO the next time a customer complains about their lack of control or lack of versatility of their boat, or they complain about some other system on their boat that just won't do what they want or it's just a ONE TRICK PONY and they are not impressed.  Install some COBRA JET STEERING on their boat and see the huge difference.  REALLY!  Remember, it's YOUR name on the invoice, so make it a positive one! 

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