ez locks, easy locks, yamaha, cleanout plug
If you own a Yamaha Jet Boat made from the year 2000 to 2016, you should take measures to avoid a cleanout plug coming loose or blowing out of it's tube. Many a day on the water has been ruined by a cleanout plug failure. Don't think it can't happen to you, it's actually a more common occurrence than you might think. Even new boats have had issues with plug blowouts, so don't fool yourself into thinking a new or newer boat isn't susceptible to cleanout plug blowouts. Actually the fact that the boat is new and you are not familiar with it can work against you. If a plug becomes dislodged and you keep driving the boat it can cause serious damage to the engine or engines depending on the boat model by allowing water to enter the hull and be ingested by the engines.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
The best solution is the COBRA EZ-Lock, a specially designed stainless steel spring pin system that "locks" the arms of the plug's latch mechanism in the "down" position. It is a must-have for anyone that owns a Yamaha Jet Boat built from 2000 to 2016.
When a cleanout plug releases under power, one of two things happens. First, the plug could be launched hard, blowing the rear deck open and shutting down the engines. So how can the cleanout plug deliver such a violent impact to the rear deck? Simply put, the bottom of your cleanout plug is actually the bottom of your boat hull right in front of the pump located within the intake tunnel, so all the force on the bottom of the hull is applied directly to the bottom of the plug. In this situation, when a plug blows out it usually requires replacing the rear latches and possibly replacing the cleanout plug that ends up sinking if it lands in the water.
The second commonly reported issue with a cleanout plug is that it comes loose, dislodging in the tube while the boat is being operated allowing the plug to reposition itself sideways thus allowing water to enter the hull due to the amount of force being placed on the plug and the lack of a good seal around it. In this situation, the operator eventually becomes aware something is wrong, due to the extra weight of the large amount of water in the hull and the nose pointing upward or the boat loosing a lot of speed, hopefully before the engines start ingesting water.
The COBRA EZ-Lock was designed to lock the original factory parts simply, reliably, and cost effectively without removing or replacing any of the original parts with the intent of avoiding warranty issues. Other locking devices usually replace the factory parts with aftermarket parts, thus voiding any possiblility of a warranty claim if a plug fails. This may explain why some of these systems are no longer available!
Our installation is very simple, plus our lock is very easy to use. Just place COBRA EZ-Lock on the cleanout plug prior to installing the plug in the tube. Once the cleanout plug is down in the tube and the T-handle is depressed, the lock closes. Whan you see the lock has closed you know that it has now pinned the moving parts in place preventing the locking dogs from releasing. Even if the entire internal locking mechanism of the cleanout plug fails, the plug stays put.
To remove the plug simply squeeze the lock and remove it, then push the release button on the plug and take the plug out. There is no need to fumble around down inside the cleanout plug tube trying to tighten things or use any tools to set the locks or remove them to gain access to the pump. There is certainly not another plug lock available that is as easy to use, easy to install, or more reliable, at any price. Others have come and gone but the COBRA EZ-Lock continues to prove its popularity due to its reliability, ease of operation, and low cost. Its just good old common sense!
Watch these videos to get a good understanding of how the COBRA EZ-Lock works and how the locking mechanism functions in your cleanout plug.
When you go out to enjoy the day you don't want to deal with or worry about a completely avoidable and potentially serious problem.
The standard COBRA EZ-Lock kit contains two EZ-Lock stainless steel spring pins, lanyards, and a drill-bit for modifying your cleanout plug.
Cleanout plugs are NOT included.
Don't spend another day on the water worrying about your cleanout plugs being secure, order COBRA EZ-Locks today.
All Cobra Jet Steering systems are protected by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 6561858, 6702630, 8425269, 10259552, 10843778.