Testimonial from a 2013 - 19' Yamaha jet boat owner who had the Viper NK with the Mega Fangs and upgraded to the Mega Fangs Plus...
Just got back from a great day on the gulf and have our opinion on the NEW mega fangs plus. From the dock, reverse was responsive and handling was improved. On plane a big difference in handling, the steering seemed lighter and tighter, did some hard turns left and right and a quick stop from 30 mph, turns were smooth and responsive, quick stop and the lack of a big wash around loss of control was about the same as with the older model fangs. Water on the bay was a very light chop but lots of boats so lots of wakes to cross and we really felt an improved ride and handling. Maneuvering at slow speed to get to an anchorage was nice and responsive, reverse to set the anchor again was improved. On return to the dock slow speed to the dock was about the same as before, however it was a busy dock area so my wife had to drop me off and move back out until I retrieved the truck, she commented that the boat handled better than before. So as @Cobra Jet Steering LLC (Jeff) had alluded to there has been improvements.
We are happy with the NEW fangs and will keep them on . We will try and sell the old set, for someone else to try. The Viper NK's system has been such a night and day improvement in our boat we are greatly satisfied.via Email to CJS
2017 212 Ltd S with Articulating Keel
I emailed Jeff ahead of ordering and he quickly answered all my questions. Several emails were exchanged and I got all the answers. I order the package with standard Fangs. They arrived in 2 days.
Jeff's last email said "It will be like a different boat" and he is 100% correct.
Slow speed steering is much more like a stern drive and very predictable, revers is significantly improved.
The biggest difference which I was not expecting is high speed stability through chop is MUCH better. While pulling tubes, the boat simply cuts so much sharper and more accurate that I LOVE it all over again!
I highly recommend these for jet boats.Allen Franke
Testimonial for the Mercury Optimax system:
Thanks much. Your invention saved my relationship! (with my new/used jet boat). During 15 years of owning two I/O's, I was careful (and maybe lucky) enough to have never come close to hitting anything. Home port is a long, narrow harbor with a launch area that requires a zig-zag to get out. While I love my 2004 Sugar Sand equipped with a Merc SportJet, navigating the harbor in it was precarious at best, and docking was terrifying. I installed the CJS Friday night after work and immediately took the boat out. It was fairly windy, so I thought it would be a good test. Right away, I noticed that instead of turning the steering lock-to-lock just to keep it near the middle of the channel, I needed a fraction of that adjustment. And when I came back from the lake (St. Clair) the docks were empty, so I practiced approaching and departing the dock many times. I have far more confidence now that it steers more like a boat and not like a wet noodle. One peculiar thing I noticed - when beginning to back up, the jet pulls you the opposite direction you're steering (from an I/O). Then, as you begin to move a little faster, the CJS "rudders" take over, and the stern moves in the expected directed.email to CJS
My personal views/review of the Cobra Venom Magnum AK with MEGA Fangs:
When I got my boat this spring, it was my first jet boat. But, I have been boating as long as memory serves and was raised going to the lake on the weekends. I was raised boating on O/B ski and bass boats and switched to I/O when I bought my first boat. So, I obviously was used to that type of handling from a boat. When I got my Yamaha, it was... different. (See Jemeson's complete review by checking out his post on jetboaters.net:CLICK HERE Jameson Clark
Customer review of ultimate ak and mega fang plus on a 21 foot Yamaha as opposed to thrust vectors. First off, install was easy. I had no trouble following instructions and the pictures provided. Now on to performance. I was at the coast for testing. So the conditions are with ICW currents. The fins and fangs performed very well. Slow/no wake handling was surprisingly impressive considering the 4-6 mph current that I was in. I did not have any type of load assisting bumpers installed on my trailer. Had no trouble loading or unloading. I could control the boat well. Reverse was improved over stock. I will say it performed well with the current, but believe it would be a lot more noticeable in a lake setting. So low speed handling was great. High speed handling is where I noticed the biggest difference. I will describe the steering not as power steering, but more of a progressive type steering. Let me explain. If anyone has driven a car that has power steering, and a car without power steering then you have experienced both worlds. The car with power steering is great at low speeds and turning while stopped. Not so much at higher speeds as you have less feel of the road. With no power steering, you hate the times you are slow or stopped but the road response is noticeably better and you can feel the road and seem to have more control. That’s why race cars don’t have power steering. That’s what I felt this system added to the Yamaha. You feel like you have low speed control and ease of steering, yet when you are at higher speeds you feel the steering has that feedback and thus more feel for what your boat is doing or fixing to do. The steering is still light with system, but I feel more in control because I feel what my boat is doing/fixing to do (bow walk, turns, etc.). Tracking was straight. Tighter turns. Off throttle control was amazing compared to before. I could back off the throttle and definitely control my boat even in currents and heavy, heavy chop. To summarize my experience. I had the the Thrust Vectors. They performed well at no wake speeds. Had no complaints on their performance. The Cobra Jet system did the same thing at no wake speeds. Where the Cobta Jet system excelled was anything above no wake speed. From no wake speed to full throttle performance was apparent. Increased off throttle maneuvering, high speed maneuvering, low speed maneuvering, and straight line tracking. I do not regret changing to the cobra Jet system. I agree with several things that I have read on some of the forums. This system should be standard on these boats. Just from the safety aspect of off power control and docking control. Not to mention the increased high speed performance. You will not go wrong with this system and will not need the money back guarantee the is offered. You will not want your money back after you use it. Customer service is amazing! Definitely goes abaove and beyond to make sure you are satisfied. The only other advice I will give is this. Make sure you listen to what Jeff says to do. PUT BLUE LOCK TIGHT ON EVERY BOLT AND NUT! I have checked and double checked my bolts and nuts. Non of them, I repeat, non of them have loosened. I have about 10 hrs running the system and solid as a rock. Buy it, you won’t regret it!
email to CJS
Customer review sent to me on the new Ultimate A K steering with mega fang plus compared to the thrust vector steering on a 21 foot yamaha the articulating keel boat.
"First off, install was easy. I had no trouble following instructions and the pictures provided.
Now on to performance. I was at the coast for testing. So the conditions are with ICW currents.
The fins and fangs performed very well. Slow/no wake handling was surprisingly impressive considering the 4-6 mph current that I was in. I did not have any type of load assisting bumpers installed on my trailer. Had no trouble loading or unloading. I could control the boat well. Reverse was improved over stock. I will say it performed well with the current, but believe it would be a lot more noticeable in a lake setting. So low speed handling was great.
High speed handling is where I noticed the biggest difference. I will describe the steering not as power steering, but more of a progressive type steering. Let me explain. If anyone has driven a car that has power steering, and a car without power steering then you have experienced both worlds. The car with power steering is great at low speeds and turning while stopped. Not so much at higher speeds as you have less feel of the road. With no power steering, you hate the times you are slow or stopped but the road response is noticeably better and you can feel the road and seem to have more control. That’s why race cars don’t have power steering.
That’s what I felt this system added to the Yamaha. You feel like you have low speed control and ease of steering, yet when you are at higher speeds you feel the steering has that feedback and thus more feel for what your boat is doing or fixing to do. The steering is still light with system, but I feel more in control because I feel what my boat is doing/fixing to do (bow walk, turns, etc.). Tracking was straight. Tighter turns. Off throttle control was amazing compared to before. I could back off the throttle and definitely control my boat even in currents and heavy, heavy chop.
To summarize my experience:
I had the Thrust Vectors. They performed well at no wake speeds. Had no complaints on their performance.
The Cobra Jet system did the same thing at no wake speeds. Where the Cobra Jet system excelled was anything above no wake speed. From no wake speed to full throttle performance was apparent. Increased off throttle maneuvering, high speed maneuvering, low speed maneuvering, and straight line tracking. I do not regret changing to the cobra Jet system.
I agree with several things that I have read on some of the forums. This system should be standard on these boats. Just from the safety aspect of off power control and docking control. Not to mention the increased high speed performance.
You will not go wrong with this system and will not need the money back guarantee the is offered. You will not want your money back after you use it. Customer service is amazing! Definitely goes above and beyond to make sure you are satisfied.
Buy it, you won’t regret it! "email to CJS
Year: Other/Not Listed
Make: Yamaha
Model: Other/Not Listed
Misc: SX195
Just wanted to give a quick review on the CJS viper series Jeff installed for me last week. I have a new SX195, and I love it. The only thing that I didn’t like about it was the lack of steering in reverse while in no wake mode. For less than $160, problem solved!! The CJS Viper completely changed my steering. It’s much tighter under power, actually responds in idle and tracks better. Cheapest, must have add on for a jet drive. Thanks Jeff!!Jason V
So after a couple of months of going back and forth on whether to buy Lateral thrust reversers or try a new system all together we went with the Cobra Jet Viper NK's with Mega Fangs (can't really go wrong with the Money-back guarantee that Jeff promises).
Jeff was great throughout the whole process with quick reply emails about the install, since I had to remove the ThrustVectors (TV's) and had to acquire new parts (collars) that were removed and he even sent a couple bolts to assist in the install, made the order on Weds. evening and received the package on Friday.
The install was uneventful and as depicted and described (except for the removal of the TV's, that was a PIA), applied the super glue so we could get out and test out the new system the next afternoon.
I hit the water about 1130. A little background we are new to the Jet Boat scene (only 6 months of experience) and have always had the JBP TV's on the boat so we had no real comparison of being "nozzle only" (we don't have a articulating keel) the TV's provided decent slow maneuverability, but due to our other boating experiences we felt something was missing, especially on plane and in reverse.
From the moment we left the dock, the difference was quite noticeable in reverse and at slow no wake zone speed the maneuverability was fantastic and more like what we had experienced with an outboard.
Once we cleared the no wake zone, we powered up and what a pleasant surprise on plane very quickly and she felt like all of a sudden we had a tight steering system with no slop and you could put her where you pointed her.
We made about a 30 min run down the Manatee River at WOT and did quite a bit of turning and even a couple left and right 360 degree circles and were grinning the entire time.
My wife took the helm and we continued down the river and she couldn't believe what a difference in the handling and even used the term "power steering" type feel in the handling.
On the way back we pulled into one of the riverfront pubs (Woody's) here and just to see how she did in a "tight" maneuvering space I idled into the enclosed docking area and put her through the paces, completed at TIGHT 180 in front of all of the customers by the dock and proceeded back out.
She handled like a champ and away we took off toward the boat ramp. My wife took over about 2 miles before the ramp. I wanted her to dock the boat with the new system. As we arrived we realized why we don't do weekend boating, the ramp was 4 deep in inbounds and 5 deep in out bounds, with various levels of boatsmanship on display.
Needless to say it was going to be a while, my wife used the 35 minutes to do slow maneuvers around some crab pot buoys and she was very impressed with how the boat handled. Once our turn was up she docked the boat with very little effort even in a challenging current and wind condition, also an audience watching.
In summary the system is exactly what Jeff promises. In our humble opinion the CJS Viper with Mega Fangs is a better overall handling package for the single thrust (can't speak to the dual thrust boats) as compared to the TV's.
2013 Yamaha SX 19'Johnny H. in Parish, FL
I just purchased a 2003 Yamaha SR230, and did some research reference steering and all I read were horror stories so I decided to purchase the cobra mega fins, before I even put it in the water. First I received them in a few days, and installed them by myself with no problems. I put the boat in the water and wow I thought I was in my stern drive, as a matter of fact I am going to say it handles better. Trailering the boat, in a wake zone, and maneuvering around other boats is a breeze.
Jeff, Took the Vortex Vrx 223 out yesterday with the cobra fins on.. it makes a big difference. we hit 50MPH in rough water on lake tahoe yesterday.. You should sell your patent to the boat companies.. Thank you!! james
James via email to CJS